Monday, November 16, 2009

Harvard University implemented a new policy three weeks ago which permits only women to use a particular gym?

to work-out during certain hours every week - no men allowed. This request was initiated by a women's group, mostly Muslim women. Is this appealing to minority groups and discriminating against men, or do you think this is a fair arrangement.

I personally like the idea, as I prefer not to work-out in a gym with men, and I am not even Muslim but am curious to know how others feel.

Harvard University implemented a new policy three weeks ago which permits only women to use a particular gym?

Sorry but I follow rules - even if I think they are not bloody good- of the country I am in.

sometimes things really go too far.......and it is working against them actually ( have nothing against Muslims) but gee..

I have heard of similar requests in France : special schools for muslims women - no guys allowed - at the taxpayers' money. Being exempt from gym class etc etc etc..

There is a point when people really can hurt themselves by demanding too much.

In the Canada charter of human rights it is stated that muslim people should be granted in the work place a private area for them to pray about what ..2-3 times a day ?? Now........when reality hits......employers will discriminate out of fear of lost time, having to built special areas etc......Can you blame them ?

I live in a very predominantly protestant area. Do Catholics ask for special holidays and this and that ? no. People have to adapt. going to get a lot of thumbs down.....but religion should be kept at home..not in school, not in politics, not in the my opinion.

There is a fine line between accepting/tolerating and downright obliging.

I compare it to people telling me that I should not smoke in my own home...that is my territory. I will certainly be mindful of pregnant women, allergic prone people etc and will restrain and will respect the rules of the home of people I am visiting also. But please do not tell me what I should or should not do in my property for which I care for and pay for.

I wish that smokers had private rooms too lol !

If some women have problems working out alongside men..well...sure..but I doubt they will go out protesting on the streets for that ! They might get used to it or join another gym...bit like everything in life really. When one is not comfortable with a special group, work environment, etc,,,,,,,,they leave..

@John : this is already happening lol !

Have noticed too that some muslim 360 will refuse any man to join ! Decent or not that is not the question......just what is in the pants !
Reply:What's a gym, Janet?
Reply:It is probably fair if the women feel more comfortable excercising alone. Actually, I don't think we in our country should cater to the needs of any and all religeous groups.

Suppose some woman said, "I cannot attend a lecture is there is a posibility of a man's shadow falling on me or I can not eat any food on which someones shadow has fallen."

Would it be reasonable then to have separate seating arrangements for these people?
Reply:I guess that could be ok...It's kinda weird for that to be seperated, but ok i guess...
Reply:It is reasonable. And I don't think it is discriminating to men at all. It is just giving women more freedom in the gym. Some women don't want to exercise in front of other men.
Reply:I agree it's not a bad idea on one hand, but on the other hand - when are they going to adapt and how long will we continue to make allowances for them? Why is it we have to adapt to THEM and they don't have to adapt to a country they chose to move to?

I'm so sick of them its not funny...

" Muslim taxi drivers refuse to carry blind people with guide dogs"

" Muslim students at Melbourne University request class timetables be changed to fit in with their prayer times"

" Muslim students fight for rights to wear hijab at school and have private prayer rooms"

" Muslims calling for Sharia law to be applied in a common-law country"

Hurry up and all kill each other Shi'ites and Sunnis... the sooner the better..
Reply:I don't think that it's necessarily discriminating against men. It's more about giving the Muslim women an opportunity to use the gym too. Wearing a head scarf might be dangerous on certain equipment, not to mention it might cause a woman to overheat! So designating hours when they can work out without having to wear their scarves is not discriminating.
Reply:It's a reasonable compromise. Men aren't totally not allowed and I'd be fine if they had hours for men only, women only and coed times.

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