Monday, November 16, 2009

Harvard Extension School is it the same as Harvard University?


It's generally an expermental or off the beat and track class offered by an outsider, sometimes not even by a MAster Teacher.

It can serve as college credit, that's up to the school.

It's more like classes given at a Hostile.

It does run 20 semester credit hours (usually 3 hours a night one night a week)

A friend of mine who has a B.S. in Chemistry and is one of the formost experts on cinema history and has run one of America's biggest archives of film extant proposed a course to UCLA extention on History of Comedy in Film and he had to pick a text book and do a syllubus and run the class like a real class and have a mid-term and final.

He screened a lot of film from his own archive.

He got the same pay as any lecturer.

But with his B.S. in Chemistry he generally would not be allowed to teach a lower division day course at UCLA in Cinema, although he's a huge expert with literally a homeschooled and unschooled PH D in the topic. At his college he took a Cinema History course taught by none other than Hans Richter (a Dadist founder).

He has a personal library of 400 history texts on Film, TV, Radio and Movies.

And he's read them all.

So read the course description and see if it is accepted as credit.

You can generally expect the course to be very "real world" and not as academic and those teaching the Extension generally come from the Real World.

These are closer to what you'd get at a Trade Center

More intenstive than a Learning Tree course, almost as intensive and deep as a Day Harvard Course, but someone different and more unique.

These are designed to give the General Public a taste of higher education without applications, admissions tests, passing the school muster.

Anyone with $250 can get admitted until the class fills.

Some courses might be taught by Day instructors. These definately may have transferable credits.

Harvard Extension School is it the same as Harvard University?
No, not really. Harvard University is far more competitive, and Harvard Extension has open admissions. People in the region tend to look down a bit on extension students, perhaps unfairly. But a lot of that is because it used to be the case that the extension school's classes weren't particularly rigorous. They've since fixed that, but still, that old reputation hangs on.

So, if you're looking at schools along the line of Harvard Extension, don't be too swayed by that "Harvard" name. It's a fine school, but it's fine along the lines of, say, Lesley College, rather than Harvard University.

teeth grills

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