Monday, May 4, 2009

Is a degree from the Harvard Extension School the same as a degree from Harvard University?

Okay, here is a question- The Harvard Extension School is at Harvard University in Cambridge MA, is part of Harvard, classes are taught at Harvard, and your grades are on a Harvard transcript. Yet several friends have told me if I get a degree from the Harvard Extension school- its not a 'real' Harvard degree. Is that true? The fact the classes at taught *at* Harvard suggests the opposite to me...What is the story with the Harvard Extension School- is it 'Harvard Light'?

Is a degree from the Harvard Extension School the same as a degree from Harvard University?
I tooks some classes there and the teachers were great- most are harvard professors. the degree is a harvard degree but would put Extension School on my resume or you might be seen as trying to trick someone.
Reply:Are you an idiot? The situs of the class is not related to the vertitability of the degree. I took an LSAT prep class at Bowdoin. That doesn't mean I graduated from Bowdoin.

Look at yourself. Any chance you are scholarly? Harvard's extension class is a way for it to make money, not to dilute its academic reputation.

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